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- Glenn Cueto

CodePen is a great way to hack out an idea and instantly see results. No need to setup a dev environment. And one of my favorite features of CodePen in particular is the SCSS-to-CSS preview. I can write in SCSS and if I want to see the CSS compiled version, I just click an icon to toggle.

JSBin and JSFiddle, where I also have code stashed, are solid alternatives to CodePen. Each have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, I like that JSBin has a Console pane for debugging JS. And I like JSFiddle's 4-pane layout. But I'm very much a fan of CodePen's slick design and its social features.

Here are some of my pens from CodePen...

See the Pen Browser Title Bars in CSS by Glenn Cueto (@glnster) on CodePen.

See the Pen Vertical Center Hacks by Glenn Cueto (@glnster) on CodePen.

See the Pen Grilled cheese sandwich menu icon by Glenn Cueto (@glnster) on CodePen.

See the Pen html/css-only slider by Glenn Cueto (@glnster) on CodePen.

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